Monday, September 29, 2008


It is a simple word, but brings a big meaning for humans. Love... u can't said u don't have it... Because all of us come to this world with a love from our parents. Then, LOVE is a simple word with 4 alphabets with a strong reasons...

Everyone will be familiar with this word... Nobody will said "Eh, friend what is LOVE?"
LOVE no wonder u want or not it will come into your heart.. U come from LOVE...
Remember that...

U come to this world from a LOVE...
LOVE from the creator, ALLAH S.W.T..
LOVE from ur parents...
U are here because of the LOVE...
So, u will never can deny this LOVE...

But, now where u put your love???
is it to your GOD???
your PARENTS???
your BELOVED???
The answer is in ur mind and heart...
Answer it by your truth heart...

It is so sad ...
Nowadays, people put their love to the others rather than their own parents...
who are caring and care them since they are baby...
they can just leave all of these because a LOVE of others...
what an embarrassing thing...

Sorry to say...
I am really hate the people who are put their LOVE to the others...
What they want to find???

It is not the way you put your LOVE...
If u are really LOVE yourself u will not do this...
U will care yourself...
Protect yourself...
Not just easily to give your LOVE to others...
Coz it will not be everlasting...

LOVE yourself...
put yourself in a high stage...
Not be easily to get...
Not be easily to reach...
Not be easily to bring...
Not easily to touch...
Not easily to hug...
Not easily to be kiss...

Then u will LOVE yourself...
Take care yourself...
Coz your parents have done a lot of things to ensure you become a great man...
What a great son..
What a great daughter...
What a great girl...
What a great boy...

what a great

Saturday, September 27, 2008

ReMeMbeR tHiS 4eVer...

Kita orang-orang Isalm wajib mempercayai bahawa manusia akan disoal oleh malaikat Munkar dan Nakir apabila seseorang itu meninggal dunia. Pertanyaan malaikat itu ialah untuk membukti dan menguatkan keimanan seseorang kepada ALLAH s.w.t. dan membuktikan kekuasaan ALLAH sebagai membalas jasa baik dan buruk semasa mereka hidup di dunia.

Pertanyaan malaikat ialah seperti:

1) Siapakah tuhanmu?????

2) Dan siapakah nabimu????

3) Dan apakah agamamu?????

4) Dan apakah kiblatmu?????

5) Dan apakah imammu atau ikutanmu?????

Maka orang-orang yang diberi taufik oleh ALLAH serta ditetapkan dengan perkataan yang tetap, dia dapat menjawab semua soalan-soalan itu, dan ia akan terlepas daripada azab malaikat, seterusnya ia dapat keampunan dari ALLAH, kerana ia sudah pun berikrar dan beriktikad dengan perkara-perkara tersebut semasa berada di atas dunia dahulu.

Malaikat tadi akan bertanya juga orang-orang kafir tentang perkara tersebut, tetapi malangnya mereka tidak dapat menjawab dengan jawapan yang sebenarnya, ia bergementar ketakutan kerana mereka tidak beriktikad dan beriman kepada ALLAH s.w.t. semasa berada di dunia. Mereka menyembah tuhan yang lain daripada ALLAH, oleh itu mereka mengambil perkataan lain sebagai ganti kalimah ALLAH rabbi, manakala mereka mengambil kalimah yang lain maka dipukul oleh malaikatdengan tongkat besinya, bertempiklah mereka kerana kesakitan yang amat sangat. Tempikan itu dapat didengari oleh makhluk sekelilingnya kecuali jin dan manusia. Seperti sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. :

Ertinya: Dari Anas r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Sesungguhnya seorang hamba apabila dihantar ke kubur dan sahabat handai pun balik ke rumah masing-masing dan ia dapat mendengar bunyi kasut mereka, kemudian datanglah dua malaikat maka duduk kedua-duanya. Maka berkata malaikat kedua-duanya (bertanya) Apakah engkau berkata pada Nabi Muhammad? Maka berkata orang-orang mukmin, aku berkata aku naik saksi sesungguhnya ia hamba ALLAH san pesuruhnya, maka berkata malaikat baginya lihatlah kepada tempat engkau di dalam neraka telah ditukar oleh ALLAH, tempat engkau di dalam syurga.

Bersabda Rasulullah s.a.w. “Maka melihat ia kedua-duanya serentak”.

Dan adapun orang-orang kafir atau munafik, maka berkata ia: Saya tiada mengetahui apa yang manusia berkata, maka dikatakan: Awak tidak tahu dan awak tidak membaca, kemudian dipukul oleh malaikat dengan tongkat besi diantara dua telinganya dengan hebat, maka bertempikan ia kerana kesakitan yang amat sangat. Pukulan malaikat itu dapat didengari oleh makhluk lain kecuali jin dan manusia.”

(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)


Banyak kita dapati di dalam buku agama mengenai golongan manusia yang dikecualikan daripada fitnah kubur seperti mana yang disebut oleh Sheikh Liqani dan Sheikh Abdul Salam dan Sheikh Suhaimi di dalam syaraha ittihaf al-murid. Bagi Sheikh Abdul Salam menyatakan diantara orang-orrang yang lepas daripada fitnah kubur ialah seperti berikut:

1)Para anbiya’, istimewa pula Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

2)Orang yang mati syahid.

3)Orang yang meminta berlindung daripada api neraka pada waktu pagi dan


4)Orang yang membaca surah al-Hashr tiga kali pagi dan petang bermula

dari ayat “Lauanzalna hazalquran” hingga akhir surah.

5)Orang yang membaca selawat atas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 100 kali, seperti

sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. :

“Barangsiapa membaca selawat ke atasku 1 kali nescaya akan diselawat oleh ALLAH atasnya 10 kali dan barangsiapa berselawat atasku 10 kali nescaya ALLAH akan selawat ke atasnya 100 kali, dan barangsiapa membaca selawat atasku 100 kali dikurniakan oleh ALLAH baginya antara dua matanya kelepasan daripada menafik dan dilepaskan daripada neraka.

6)Orang yang mati lemas air, mati didalam musafir, mati didalam menjaga

ahlinya, hartanya, agamanya, maka itulah diantara kelebihan-kelebihan dan

amalan untuk orang-orang beriman.

Friday, September 26, 2008

4 mY fRiEnDs...



Orang yang bakhil itu tidak akan terlepas daripada salah satu daripada 4 sifat yang membinasakan iaitu:

  • Ia akan mati dan hartanya akan diambil oleh warisnya, lalu dibelanjakan bukan pada tempatnya atau;
  • hartanya akan diambil secara paksa oleh penguasa yang zalim atau;
  • hartanya menjadi rebutan orang-orang jahat dan akan dipergunakan untuk kejahatan pula atau;
  • adakalanya harta itu akan dicuri dan dipergunakan secara berfoya-foya pada jalan yang tidak berguna


  • Orang yang banyak ketawa itu kurang wibawanya
  • Orang yang suka menghina orang lain, dia juga akan dihina
  • Orang yang menyintai akhirat, dunia pasti menyertainya
  • Barangsiapa menjaga kehormatan orang lain, pasti kehormatan dirinya akan terjaga


Antara tanda-tanda orang yang bijaksana itu ialah:

  • Hatinya selalu berniat suci
  • Lidahnya selalu basah dengan zikrullah
  • Kedua matanya menangis kerana penyesalan (terhadap dosa)
  • Segala perkara dihadapaiya dengan sabar dan tabah
  • Mengutamakan kehidupan akhirat daripada kehidupan dunia.


  • Tiada solat yang sempurna tanpa jiwa yang khusyu'
  • Tiada puasa yang sempurna tanpa mencegah diri daripada perbuatan yang sia-sia
  • Tiada kebaikan bagi pembaca al-Qur'an tanpa mengambil pangajaran daripadanya
  • Tiada kebaikan bagi orang yang berilmu tanpa memiliki sifat wara'
  • Tiada kebaikan mengambil teman tanpa saling sayang-menyayangi
  • Nikmat yang paling baik ialah nikmat yang kekal dimiliki
  • Doa yang paling sempurna ialah doa yang dilandasi keikhlasan
  • Barangsiapa yang banyak bicara, maka banyak pula salahnya, siapa yang banyak salahnya, maka hilanglah harga dirinya, siapa yang hilang harga dirinya, bererti dia tidak wara', sedang orang yang tidak wara' itu bererti hatinya mati

~renungilah wahai sahabat-sahabat yang dikasihi~


Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Setiap Nabi mempunyai doa yang mudah dimakbulkan. Aku ingin menyimpan doaku tersebut, untuk memberi syafaat kepada umatku pada Hari Kiamat nanti.

Cinta bukan mengajar kita lemah, tetapi membangkitkan kekuatan.. Cinta bukan mengajar menghinakan diri, tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan.. Cinta bukan melemahkan semangat, tetapi membangkitkan semangat.

Iman seperti pohon yang mempunyai 7 dahan...

  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada hati, buahnya ialah kemahuan kepada yang benar dan sihat.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada lidah, buahnya ialah berkata-kata yang benar.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada 2 kaki, buahnya ialah suka mendatagi solat berjamaah.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada 2 tangan, buahnya ialah sedekah dan derma.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada mata, buahnya ialah titisan air mata taubat penyesalan.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada perut, buahnya ialah makanan yang halal dan tanpa syubhat.
  • Dahan yang berpangkal pada jiwa, buahnya ialah meninggalkan nafsu syahwat.

uNtuK SHiLL... ... sAhAbaT diKejaUhaN

asSaLamuALaikum waRahmAtuLLahiwaBaraKatuh… …

bUaT sAhAbAtKu mErAnGkAp jUgA aNak mUriDkU yAnG aKaN seNtiAsA dIkAsiHi dAn dIsAyAnGi sELaMa-LaMa nYer…

kAu aKan MeLanGkaH jAuH pErGi mEnInGGaLkaN kAmI sEmUa dIsInI…

jAuH dI LuAr saNa

tEtApI iTu aDaLah rEzeKi dAriPaDa YANG MAHA PENGASIH teRhaDap haMba nYeRr…

enGkau amAt berTuaH keRaNa teRpiLih…

unTuk iTu haRgaILah iA nYer seBaik yAng MunGkiN…

jAsA daN penGorBaNan keDua oRang Tua mU sEmaTkan daLam haTi keCiLmu aGar seGaLa yaNg enGkau inGin LaKuKan aDaLah aTas sETiap tItiSan kErInGaT meReKa...

aGar aPa pUn yAng enGkau inGin LaKuKan tiDak teSaSar jAuh dAriPadA LanDasAn keBenAraN…

sEbAGai sAhAbAt dAn jUga meRangKap gUrUmU…

tIdAk waJar enGkaU memBiarKan dIrI inIe menAngIsI peMerGiaNmU…

tApI biArkAnLah dIrI inIe menAnGisI keJaYaaNmu yAnG bAkAL berGeLaR DOKTOR…

dIrI iNiE aKan seNtIasA menDoaKan keJayAan unTukMu seLagI nYawA dIkaNduNg baDan… tIdaK aDa haDiah yaNg LebIh berHarGa meLainKan meLihat engKAu berJaYa… iTu jUga LeRr… imPiaN kedUa oRang tUamU…

jAgALah dIrImU diSaNa… kErnA sEkaRang enGkau BeGiTu jaUh dEngaN keLuarGa dAn sAhAbAtMu… jaNgan LaKukAn sEsUaTu yAnG sAmA seKaLi diLaraNg oLeh YANG MAHA ESA, ALLAH S.W.T…

jAgALah dIrImU diKejaUhan saNa… inGatLah kaMi seMua diSinI…


paSsIon paYs...

When you are passionate about what you do, you do better and you enjoy it more.

Thank God it's Monday.

Do you look forward to Monday morning? Are you raring to go back to work? Or are you a TGIF (Thank God it's Friday) kind of person who can't wait to get away from the job for a couple of days? You spend at least 8 hours a day at the job. That is almost 25% of your week. If you are a TGIF person you are missing something really important in your work life - passion.

Being passionate about your job is more than the old adage "do what you love". It's looking forward to going to work. It's time flying by when you're there. It's working past quiting time, not because you're swamped with work, but because you were so intent you didn't notice the time.

When you are passionate about what you do for a living you enjoy it more. You also do it better. You are more committed to the success of the operation if you believe in it passionately.

Putting your passion to work

The trick is not just to feel passionately about your job, but to act passionately too. Use your passion to move projects ahead, to find innovative solutions to perplexing problems, to work through the interpersonal conflicts.

If you act passionately, you won't sit passively through another boring meeting. You can't. You will share that passion with the others in the meeting. Your energy can lift all of them. Even if it doesn't, you will feel better knowing you are doing something to advance the cause in which you believe passionately.

Passionate people get more done. They don't spend time worrying about what they have to do next. They don't scheme about how to get out of doing something. And they don't have to waste time dreaming about a vacation they want to take to get away from the job.

People who are passionate about their work do a better job. Since they care so much about the work, they don't settle for anything less than their best. They don't ever "just go through the motions." The pour all their thought and energy into doing the job well.

It's just a job, isn't it?

If you feel that work is just a job, you are wasting 40 or more hours a week of your life. You are shortchanging your employer who gets less than your best effort. You are shortchanging yourself by wasting time on routine or even drudgery instead of spending that time doing what you enjoy. You could, and should, spend those 40 hours instead doing something that makes you feel good.

Not convinced?

If you have ever had a job that you felt passionately about, you know what I mean. If you have never worked at a job like that, you may wonder just how valid these statements are. If that's the case, think about something away from work that you are passionate about. Maybe it's a hobby or a sport, an activity with a special group of friends or that quiet activity where you recharge your energies.

Ever miss dinner because you were shooting hoops and didn't notice how late it had gotten? Do you know the intensity and concentration you feel when you are working on your radio-controlled models? Have you ever wondered where the day went when you were antique hunting with your best friend? Those are the the passions we enjoy in our time away from work. You get the same charge when you work at a job you are passionate about. Try it and see if you don't agree.

"Do sOmEtHinG tHAt wiLL maKe uR LiFe beComEs gLeamIng noT faDeD...
mOneY is Not sO imPorTanT raTher tHan uR paSsIon iN jOb...
iT is WorThLess To woRk iN prEsSurE wiThouT enJoY it.
enJoY uR LiFe... Do soMetHinG thAt U LoVe...
tHen uR LiFe wiLL be sHinIng

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

eNgLiSh... vItAL oR sUppLemEnTary???

For me probably I would like to say that English is a vital subject... Just get want to know, why I said this... First I would like to highlight that English is quite being used nowadays. It plays many important roles in our lives. If u all realized, everything u want to do or anywhere u want to go is English... Although u want to go to toilet... Isn't it??? Don't u realized that at all??? The others especially when u need to attend an interview session which all is held in English, an international language... If u hard or shivering when talking in English, ur interview will be going to fail... Then, what can u do... Just going to sit and wait 4 another...

Thus, I want all of us realized that English is a vital subject not just supplementary, although it seems like that... Without English, it is totally hard 4 u to get or enhance anything. Because all around u are in English... If u get to choose something wrong because u do not know the meaning of the things, who are u want to blame??? Is it the manager, hypermarket or YOUR OWN SELF??? U have the answer...

For my experience as a student I have faced a lot of problems because of English... I am not good in English,but then everything around me is changing... I need to learn Mathematics and Science totally in English. How could this happen??? How rude is it??? But then I realized how important it is... Then thanks God... Now, I am still trying in improving my English with the help of my beloved teacher, MISS SHALINI... If u want to improve ur English, u need to love it and speak... Then u will be good at all... Believe it...

In this global world, English is quietly large being used. U can see the example that I have said just now... When u need to attend an interview, English language must be in your mouth... Then u will be succeed. If not, don't ever ever try to have it... Because it only will hurt u... Then u will lost ur confident...

The English language is used everywhere. When we meet people from other countries, in Norway or abroad, we need English for communication. English is used in films, literature, songs, sports, business, products, trades and entertainment, and through these channels many English words and expressions have found their way into our own language. When we want information on something of private or professional interest, we often search for it in English. Moreover, English is increasingly used in education and working life, in Norway and abroad.

To succeed in a world where English is used for international interpersonal communication, it is necessary to master the English language. Thus we need to develop our vocabulary and our skills in using the systems of the English language; its phonology, grammar and text structuring. We need these skills to listen, speak, read and write, and to adapt our language to an ever increasing number of topics, areas of interest and communication situations. We must be able to distinguish between spoken and written styles and informal and formal styles. Moreover, when using the language in communication, we must also be able to take cultural norms and conventions into consideration.

When we are aware of the strategies we use to learn a foreign language, and the strategies that help us to understand and be understood, the acquisition of knowledge and skills will be easier and more meaningful. It is also important for each of us to establish our own goals for learning, to determine how these can be satisfied and to assess the way we use the language. Learning English may also give us better insight into our native language and other languages we know, thus becoming an important element in our personal development and making a significant contribution to our communicative abilities.

In addition to learning the English language, this subject will also contribute insight into the way we live and how others live, and their views on life, values and cultures. Learning about the English-speaking world will provide a good basis for understanding the world around us and how English developed into a world language. Literature in English, from nursery rhymes to Shakespeare' sonnets, may instill a lifelong joy of reading and provide a deeper understanding of oneself and others. English texts, films, music and other art forms may also inspire the pupil's own artistic expression and creativity in many genres and media.

Thus English as a school subject is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and personal insight. It will enable the pupils to communicate with others on personal, social, literary and interdisciplinary topics. It will give insight into how individuals think and live in the English-speaking world. Communicative skills and cultural insight can promote greater interaction, understanding and respect between people with different cultural backgrounds. In this way linguistic and cultural competence contributes to the all-round personal development and fosters democratic commitment and a better understanding of responsible citizenship.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

mAtHemAticS and ScIenCe in eNgLish...???

I am getting sick of these things... We are getting confuse now, whether is it good mathematics and science in English ... Based on my stands, probably I am agree 100% because this will improve our skill in English... But, the most problem now we are not quite good in this foreign languages. I think if we think positive then we will easily to be understand in English... As saying said " It is all the mind which controls in our body". For me, how we set our mind is more important than how we work for it. So, I prefer all of us to think wisely.

I am agree with this it is not because I am good in English, but I am still learn. Learn will not stop unless we died. My grade for English is not good but I am still try to improve myself. I know nobody can help me unless myself. So, my friends why not we tried our best, it is not impossible to score a goal. But, the most important thing is to believe ourselves. Belief is the most powerful thinking to make dreams come true.

I am agree of this because I realized that English is important as it is an international language.
Then, we need to conquer it. By making mathematics and science in English will make us familiar with this language. Furthermore, we will force ourselves to understand it. Then, it is not impossible sometimes we will good in this language. It is not impossible. The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today. Then, I prefer all of us to have vision to be excel on this language. Do not mindset our mind ENGLISH is terrible and disgusting... Try to face of this... Do not just tried to make excuses to avoid this. Be brave... It is better start from now. Better late than never...

Seven secrets of success...I found the answers in my room...
1) Roof said : "Aim high"
2) Fan said : "Be cool"
3) Clock said : "Every minutes is precious"
4) Mirror said : "Reflect before you act"
5) Window said : "See the world"
6) Calendar said : "Be up to date"
7) Door said : " Push hard to achieve our goals!!!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hi, friends....
getting interested and excited in sign...
what a great technology... now we are easily to be connected...
hopefully our relationship will not varnishes...
thanks for our teacher... MISS SHALINI...